I want to thank all the readers for their active participation once again in our tenth Thedal quiz on ‘dual answers’. As usual we got good number of responses with many children participating in the quiz.
Here are the readers who got all the answers right:
Padma Gopal & Soumya
There was also an anonymous entry which also had all the answers right, but I don’t know who that is unfortunately!
Many congratulations!
Here are the answers:
1. The dwaarapaalas (gatekeepers) of Lord Vishnu got cursed by sages to be born as demons for three generations. How were they born in the first one (Krutha or Sathya Yuga) ?
Hiranyaaksha and Hiranyakashipu. After the curse to be born on the Earth, both had two choices – either be born as the Lord’s devotees for 7 births or born as His sworn enemies for 3 births and getting killed by the Lord in each. They easily chose the latter option in order to return to Vaikunta early. In their first birth they were slain during the Varaha avatar (wild boar) and the Narasimha avatar (man-lion) respectively. In the Thredha yuga, they (Ravana and Kumbakarna) were killed by Lord Rama and finally in the Dwaapara yuga, they (Shishupala and Dantavakra) met their death in the hands of Lord Krishna.
2. What are names of the two six-month movements of the Earth around the Sun, according to our tradition?
Dakshinayana and Uttarayana. Of these the Uttarayana is considered more sacred and hence as per Mahabharata, Bhishma was alive until the arrival of Uttarayana. For the Gods (Devas), our entire year is considered a single day of which Dakshinayana is night time while the Uttarayana is the day time.
3. The twin stars in the ‘Big Dipper’ constellation in space is equated with which holy couple from Vedic literature?
Vashista and Arundati. The Ursa Major (Big Dipper) constellation contains the twin stars Alco & Mizar which our ancestors named Vaishsta and Arundhathi who were inseperable. That’s why even today in our tradition, the wedded couple come out of the marriage hall and sight the binary star couple praying for togetherness and prosperity.
4. What are the names of the two demons that Agasthya vanquished?
Ilvala and Vaathapi. You can read about the interesting story here.
5. As per Ramayana, what are the two mantras taught by sage Viswamithra to Rama and Lakshmana to overcome hunger and fatigue?
Bala & Athibala. In Ramayana, sage Vishvamitra takes Rama and Lakshmana along with him to vanquish the demons that bother the sages while performing rituals. During the course of their travel, he imparts a secret knowledge to them, called Bala and Athibala. These mantras had several powers including the ability of the practicing people to go without food and sleep. It is with the help of these mantras that Lakshmana went without sleep and hunger while serving his Lord, Sri Rama during the time in the forest.
6. In Mahabharata, who are the two sons of Satyavathi?
Chitrangada and Vichitraveerya. King Shantanu married the fisherwomen Sathyavathi and was blessed with two children. Before Sathyavathi met King Shantanu, she was blessed by Sage Parashara and through his yogic powers a child was born. The great sage and the author of Mahabharata, Sri Veda Vyasa was born thus. Chitragada met an early death and the Kuru dynasty expanded through Vichitraveerya. Pandavas and Kauravas were the grandchildren of him.
7. As per our Puranas, Lord Narayana saved one elephant and killed another. Which ones?
Gajendra and Kuvalaya peetam. As per Bhagavatha Purana, the elephant Gajendra’s leg was caught by a crocodile who started pulling the elephant into the lake. Gajendra prayed to the Lord and immediately Lord Vishnu rushed to his rescue and saved him from the crocodile. In Krishnavataara, Lord Krishna was confronted by the elephant Kuvalayapeeta who attacked him as per the orders of Kamsa. Krishna fought with the violent elephant and in the end killed it.
8. Which are the two birds associates with Lord Muruga?
Cock (Rooster) and Peacock. The cock is the mascot and is present in Lord Muruga’s flag while the peacock is his mount. They were the remnants of the demon Surapadma who fought with Lord Muruga.
9. According to Tamil literature, which two works are called Twin Epics (‘Irattai kaappiyangal’)?
Silappathikaram and Manimegalai. Silapathigaram. The former is an epic written by Ilango Adigal which narrates the story of ‘Kovalan & Kannagi’. It describes the story about how the anklet of Kannagi played a major role in their lives and the city of Madurai. Seethalai Saathanar is the author of ‘Manimekalai’, who is the daughter of Kovalan and the dancer, Madhavi.
10. Name the two works of Andal.
Thiruppaavai and Naachiyaar Thirumozhi. Andal is one of 12 Vaishnanvite Azwaars who also happen to be the only female among the group. She composed Thiruppaavai (30 verses) and Naachiyaar Thirumozhi (143) and was blessed to become the consort of the Lord himself.
11. Who were the foremost disciples of the famous Vaishnavite preceptor Ramanuja?
Koorathaazhwaan and Muthaliyaandaan. Though Sri Ramanuja had several famous disciples, these two were considered to be equivalent of this stick (thandu/dhandam) and dharba (pavithram/kusha grass) which accompanied him wherever he went.
12. What is the name of the philsophy of Madhvaacharya?
Paramaathma and Jivathma. Madhvaacharya’s philosophy is dualism which means that God (paramathma) and the worldly things (Jivaathma) as two realities with distinct essences. While the paramatma is svathantra (independent reality) while the jivas constitute paratantra tatva (dependent reality). Along with Adisankara and Ramanuja, these three form the foremost proponents of Hindu philosophy.
Each answer in this quiz is like an Amar Chitra katha story. Enjoyed it.
Never knew Ravana was actually the Lord’s dwarapalak!
Thanks Shoba. Yes, each answer warrants a separate post. Will attempt to write on each one soon.