Sri Ramanujar, as many of you will be aware, is the leading expounder of Vishishtadvaita, one of the three key philosophies within Hinduism. His philosophical foundations established several centuries ago were the key factors that resulted in the surge of Bhakti movement in India. In addition to revitalizing the religion, he was a remarkable administrator, a social reformer, an ideal leader, a task master and a management Guru. He was also a humanist who went beyond casteist hurdles and had immense love not only for the Supreme Lord and but also to all His devotees.
In this series, I wish to highlight some of the noteworthy services he rendered to the society as an able administrator. The first three are shared in this part, while the rest will be covered in the next one.
1. Bringing unity among communities
Ramanujar brought amity among Hindus and Muslims while he was residing in Melkote, Karnataka. Once, in a dream the Lord told him that he will find an idol of himself in Delhi. On hearing this Ramanuja traveled to Delhi, met the sultan and requested him for the deity. Since the Sultan’s daughter was using the deity as her plaything. he mockingly told Ramanuja that to call for the deity from there. Ramanuja then sang a song and called out, “Please come, my dear child (Sampathkurmara (or) Selva pillai)”. The deity immediately came as a beautiful boy and sat on his lap. Astonished, the Sultan returned the deity to Ramanuja. The princess, unable to bear separation from the deity, followed Ramanuja, who ordered his disciples to allow her to enter the temple despite her being a Muslim. She walked in and merged with the Lord. Ramanuja installed a deity of the princess, Bibi Nachiyar (or Thulukka Nachiar), at the feet of the Lord. Since then every offering made in the temple is made through her.
At that time, installing an idol of a human inside a temple was unheard of (impossible even today), leave alone that of a women of a different religion. This shows the magnanimity and reformist views of Ramanuja and how he valued and respected other religions as well.
He stressed that as all beings are embodiment of God, they must be treated with affection and compassion. It is the reason why at Thirukkottiyur (Tamil Nadu) after learning the esoteric meaning of Thirumantra from his Guru Thirukkottiyur Nambi, he passed it on to everyone who wanted to hear it despite the warnings of his Guru. His humble explanation to his Guru for this misstep was, “Sir, I have committed a great transgression. Because of this sin, if an insignificant creature like me goes to hell and thousands of men and women are to get Moksha, what could be more propitious and profitable than that?”. It was due to this inclusiveness that great disciples like Thirukkachinambi, Maraneri nambi and Pillaiurangavillidasar, who belonged to the fourth class (varna) are revered and celebrated in Vaishnava tradition.
Ramanujar gave the dignified name “Thirukkulathar” to the down-trodden folks of Melkote, which means ‘descendants of Goddess Mahalakshmi‘. Even Gandhiji was impressed with his reformist views on casteism and used to call him as the “Famous Vaishnava Reformer”.
2. Temple reforms
Ramanujar was beyond an efficient administrator due to his contribution to two of India’s most sacred and complex temples – Tirumala and Srirangam. Ramanuja’s segregation of the various workers in Srirangam is elaborate and comprehensive. He created ten positions namely, Kovanavar (superintendent of the inner organisation of the temple), Tirupani seivar (those who carry out periodic repairs/cleaning), Kodavar, Archakas, Ullurar (assistants for rituals), Talaiyiuduvar (sthalathar), Tirukaragakkaiyar (water providers), Vinappam seivar (Araiyar), Aryabhattal, Dasanambi (flower providers) and Vetrapani. In addition there were other 10 posts such as grain measurers, guards, accountants, potters, jewelers, boatmen etc. The whole administration of the temple is overseen by a Jeeyar, who worked through a representative committee. Ramanuja’s reforms at Tirupati and Melkote are just as detailed and each job comes with a thorough job description.
Ramanuja’s style of functioning as executive head of the temple included clarity of job description, conflict resolution measures, risk management, detailed plan of action, quality control, honoring rituals to each service group, resource management etc. Irrespective of caste, all sections of society had their place of pride in the hierarchy of the Temple order. It is amazing that the systems that he instituted are still followed even 1000 years later. In all his administrative reforms, he brought different groups of people together thus using religion as a binding force rather than a divisive force.
3. Bridging the North-South divide
Ramanujar traveled the length and breadth of the country and established Vishistadvaita philosophy wherever he went. It was Ramanuja who suggested to King Chodaganga Deva to build a big temple for the deity of Puri Jagannath, who had been in worship there for several years. Ramanuja also established the Embar Math in Puri, so named after his cousin and disciple. This Math still functions and is located about 10 metres from the lion gate of the temple. Ramanuja’s influence is seen in the practice of giving rice as prasadam to devotees.
The Swaminarayan tradition of Gujarat also traces its preceptor lineage to Ramanuja through Ramananda who according to legend was administered initiation (pancha samskaras) by Ramanuja. This tradition also follows the Vishistadvaita philosophy.
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Excellent Anna superb article.
Thanks very much for your feedback Murali..
Good one Ranga.. can u suggest a good book to learn more about his life history and his vashistadvaita philosophy
Thanks Renga. There are many books available. Please check the ones published by Ramakrishna Math. There is a book published exclusively for kids called ‘Sri Ramanuja Vaibhavam’ published by Geethacharyan (Sri. M. A. Venkatakrishnan)