Thedal Quiz – 13

Thedal Quiz - 13
Thedal Quiz – 13

Welcome to yet another edition of Thedal Quiz! Based on user inputs, we have made this quiz multiple-choice so that it is easy for you to find out the answers. The theme of this quiz is that all answers have a twist!

As always, I will post the answers and the name of the winners in a couple of days. Good luck!

Welcome to your Thedal Quiz 13


1. Which incarnation of Lord Vishna was the biggest in terms of size?

2. Hanuman was one of the two who appeared in both Ramayana and Mahabharata periods. Name the other.

3. In the verse, 'manojavam maarutha thulyavegam', the word 'maarutha' represents whom?

4. How many children did Kunthi have?

5. In Mahabharata, which Brahmachari got the respect of first worship in Yudishtra's Rajasuya Yaaga?

6. Who is the first and foremost deity of Tirupathi temple .

7. Who wrote Sadagopar Anthathi, the work in praise of Nammazhwaar?

8. Who is considered the elder brother of Andal?

9. In which temple is the deity, 'Pathinettam Padi Karuppan' (18th step Karuppan) the gatekeeper?

10. Which temple did King Suryavarman II build?

Author Details

Rangarajan has been blogging for over 12 years now on various topics. With Thedal, he becomes one with the universe and he is hoping that his search will help him discover the eternal truth.  Please join him as he traverses through the universe across temples, philosophies and science!

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