Akshaya Tritiya article also available in Tamil. click here. தமிழில் படிக்க இங்கு செல்லவும்.

The Sanskrit word ‘Akshaya’ comprises ‘a’ (not) and ‘kshaya’ (erode). It means that which does not decay, diminish or erode. Interestingly, the last year in the Tamil calendar (60th Year) is called Akshaya indicating eternity and that the next cycle of 60 years is going to recommence. It falls on the Shukla Paksha Tritiyai (third lunar day of Bright half) in Chitirai month (Mid April to Mid May). Our scriptures indicate that any activity performed on this auspicious day will result in the benefits getting multiplied.
Let us look at the key events that took place on this auspicious day over several centuries:
- Lord Parasurama’s birth – the sixth incarnation of the Lord
- Commencement day of Tretha Yuga (period of Lord Rama)
- Narration of Mahabharata by Veda Vyasa to Lord Ganesha
- Pandavas got Akshaya Pathram
- Restoration of glory and power to Lord Indra through the performance of holy rituals
- Meeting of Sudhama and Lord Krishna
- Descent of Ganga from heaven to earth from heaven after great efforts of King Bhagirath

Of the above events Sudhama’s prosperity and Lord Indra regaining lost glory are associated with wealth. Let’s have a closer look at these events:
On Akshaya Tritiya day, Sudhama met Lord Krishna to seek his help to get rid of poverty. But on meeting Lord Krishna, he just offered beaten rice and enjoyed the presence of Lord Krishna. He completely surrendered to him and got back home without asking for any help. On reaching home he was surprised to see that his home was filled with an abundance of Gold, Silver and new clothing. This tamil story is narrated especially to children to highlight true friendship and the power of surrender.
The second event about Lord Indra is explained in Skanda Purana. Due to his past sins, Lord Indra lost all his vigour, reputation, strength and was hiding in mountain Meru. His Guru Bhruhaspathi advised him that on Akshaya Tritiya day he should take a holy bath, perform holy rituals and charitable work. This would result in the destruction of all his sins and he will regain his past glory. On following his Guru’s advice Lord Indra regained his strength and position.
What does Akshaya Tritiya mean today?
In recent years, we have forgotten the true significance of this day and have started buying gold every year on this day. A bit of research shows that this gold buying frenzy started in the year 2005. That was the year World Gold Council started campaigning heavily that Akshaya Tritiya day is an auspicious occasion to buy gold.
Another popular practice on this day is to chant Kanakadhara Stotram towards Goddess Mahalakshmi. Some of you may be aware of the origins of this sloka. When Sri Adi Shankara who was seeking alms (Biksha) at the doorstep of a poor lady, she was despondent. She had nothing to offer to the young sanyasi, so she gave him a dried Amla fruit that she had saved for herself. Sri Adi Shankara was deeply touched at her gesture and came up with Kanakadhara Stotram by which he prayed to Goddess Mahalakshmi to extend her grace to the woman.
Goddess Mahalakshmi appeared in front of him and told him that the lady is suffering as a result of her sins in her previous birth. Sri Adi Shankara argued that though she didn’t do any good deeds in her previous birth, this one good deed in this birth alone is enough to alleviate her poverty. Accepting his argument Goddess Mahalakshmi showered golden amla fruits on women’s hut. There are 21 slokas in Kanakadara Stotram and by reciting it every day one will get rid of poverty and suffering. Has this story influenced people to acquire wealth on this day?
How to be wealthy on Akshaya Tritiya day?
To gain wealth and prosperity like Sudhama, we need to completely surrender to Lord and like Indra we need to do charity work on this auspicious day. It can be through chanting slokas or performing rituals at home. The best form of charity is one where we don’t expect anything in return. There is no better time than this lockdown period to help others with money, food, clothing, etc.
And how about chanting Kanakadhara Stotram? Yes, of course. We should also chant or listen to Kanakadhara Stotram, though not for our wellbeing; It should be for those who are helping us in many ways during our distress period. Remember, we all should be like that woman who did an extremely selfless deed. By doing these activities with complete faith on such auspicious days throughout the year, our turn to obtain wealth and prosperity will come through another Adi Shankara very soon.
sir its very nice article abt this akshya tritya..thanks
thanks sir
Wonderfully written and tables a brilliant perspective on the celebration of Akshaya Tritiya. A great eye opener for those blinded by the marketing gimmicks of gold merchants.
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