Q&A: 3. Lighting Lamps

Note: This is the 25th post in this blog page. We at Thedal thank all the readers, commenters and well-wishers for their continuous encouragement and feedback. We will continue our endeavor of spreading Sanathana Dharma with our Acharyas’ blessings and your support.

தமிழில் படிக்க இங்கு செல்லவும்

Question: In the era of electric lights, is it still necessary to light oil lamps at homes?

Answer: Seems like a very valid question, isn’t it? If the purpose of an oil lamp is to dispel darkness, the modern electric bulbs do a much better job of it. However, is that all the purpose of an oil lamp? There are several spiritual reasons, some of those are given below  which emphasize why lighting an oil lamp is important in our households.

According to my humble opinion, there are also other reasons to continue this practice. First and foremost is the element of schedule discipline. The oil lamps are lit usually in the early morning times and during early evening times. This automatically means we wake up early and also ensure we are back home to light the lamp (it makes no sense to light a lamp at say 9:00 am or 10:00 pm). Apart from schedule discipline, this also ensures hygiene because obviously before lighting the lamp you have to purify yourself and also the place where the lamp is lit. Thus, lighting a lamp establishes a routine and also advocates cleanliness.

Secondly, it will be good to involve children (not very young ones) in this act. They would love to light the lamp. While kids can take part in other services, I think this is one act which they will find fascinating because it involves a satisfying outcome which is the production of flame. We all know how kids gets excited during Diwali season. Once the lamp is lit they can be taught a few slokas which they can chant and prostrate before it. If they are given the opportunity to light the lamp, they will be eager to learn slokas as well. So that’s another reason to promote this practice. 

There are times such as flooding and other natural disasters when our power systems might fail us.  So, this practice can help even during these times. 

Don’t you agree?

External links explaining the reason behind lighting oil lamp

Bring an oil lamp into your home – Sadhguru


Why do we light a lamp?


Video Links


Earlier questions in this series:

2. Should I wear only traditional dresses while visiting temples? 

1. What if I don’t know the meaning of Mantras that I chant?



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Rangarajan has been blogging for over 12 years now on various topics. With Thedal, he becomes one with the universe and he is hoping that his search will help him discover the eternal truth.  Please join him as he traverses through the universe across temples, philosophies and science!

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